What If...
... every faithful congregation of the church of Christ in Georgia, no matter how small, had its own website?
... each website was built with a focus on winning souls to Christ and exhorting the members of the congregation?
... each website had a built-in opportunity for members of the congregation to be involved in personal evangelism?
... each website was designed to get high rankings in Google searches to improve outreach in the congregation's community?
Could we...
... reach more of the 5 billion internet users with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
... gain greater recognition of the Lord's church in each congregation's community?
... see more souls brought to Jesus and added to His church through obedience to His Gospel?
My mission:
To work with small but sound congregations of the church of Christ in Georgia that can't afford to fully support themselves to help them have a professionally designed, evangelistically focused website to aid them in reaching the lost in their communities as well as around the world.
Here's what can happen (BCC ad in newspaper and results)
My background in the church and in website development
Sample site and its features (Online Bible Study, Articles Feed)
Qualifications for this program: Faithful congregation (include some points), not self-supporting
Terms for participation by the receiving congregation